
LowCountry Hazards Center

The Santee Cooper GIS Laboratory provides all of the hardware, software and technical support to the Low Country Hazards Center (LCHC), which is a center for excellence in environmental and natural hazards. All mapping at the center is supported by the SCGIS lab.

USGS Partner National Map

Through an agreement with the United State Geologic Survey (USGS) the College of Charleston will maintain Charleston-area GIS data sets for use in national maps

Charleston Region GIS User’s Consortium Data Node

The Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, and the Santee Cooper GIS Laboratory share data with regional and local governmental agencies, and serve as redundant data sources in the case of a regional emergency. 

FEMA HAZUS training

The Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, and the Santee Cooper GIS Laboratory train faculty who can train individuals as disaster mitigation analysts as part of the  FEMA HAZUS-MH program. 


The SCGIS Laboratory supports the South Carolina Arc Users Group and the South Carolina Mapping Advisory Committee.


The SCGIS Laboratory supports the  South Carolina Earthquake Education and preparedness center with mapping and WebGIS.

Charleston Resilience Network (CRN)

Santee Cooper GIS Laboratory supports the NOAA Charleston Resilience Network with mapping and WebGIS.